A continuous stream of white salad dressing cascading into a fresh lettuce and tomato salad in slow motion
A continuous stream of creamy white salad dressing cascades gracefully into a fresh lettuce and tomato salad in slow motion, creating a mesmerizing blend of textures and colors that adds a delicious finishing touch to the vibrant greens and reds.
UPDATE `v_item` SET `ctitle` = '源源不断的白色沙拉酱以慢动作倾泻成新鲜的生菜和番茄沙拉',`cdescription` = '源源不断的乳白色沙拉酱以慢动作优雅地流入新鲜的生菜和番茄沙拉中,创造出令人着迷的质地和颜色的混合,为充满活力的绿色和红色增添了美味的收尾。' WHERE `id` ='42064' ;